Tuesday, September 8, 2015

From the beginning... (Part 1)

Since I just started this thing, I thought it would be good to share some basic reasons and resources about where I am where I am. No preaching, just me here.

First off, I grew up eating meat. I grew up overweight (and still struggle with weight). I grew up with family who raised livestock. So, there's no vegan hippy in me that I got from anywhere other than my own experiences and observations. You have to do what works for you. Plant-based lifestyle seems to work best for me. I'm not perfect at it, I struggle. Hey, I live in the Midwest and I from the South. That can be hard, and requires lots of preparation before you head out in the big world. That's sort of a keystone of this lifestyle - be prepared for what you're going to eat and questions, lots of questions.

I guess there are 2 main reasons people go plant-based. (Well probably 3 or more, but 2 main ones.)

  • Health
  • Animals
  • Environment* (this one is less common, but it does have it's merits, see here).


Health is one of the main reasons I got into this lifestyle (but not the reason I stick with it). It's an issue I have always struggled with. I have a clear family history of cardiovascular issues and obesity. So, when I see what this lifestyle has done for others, I'm inspired (and I don't get moved by sweeping, emotional stories - just the facts please). But in my own experience, I feel way better! I've lost some weight, and I just feel less 'blah'. That's the technical term, right? Anyway, this is still a journey for me, but I always feel better and do better when I eat this way. The resources below are a nice primer. Probably what got me started was Dr. John McDougall, then eventually reinforced by Forks over Knives, so both of those come highly recommended!

And here are some YouTube videos to start with (there are a ton of resources on YouTube):

Dr. McDougall

Dr. Barnard

Dr. Esselstyn

  Dr. Greger

I hope this gives you a primer of my resources for my lifestyle changes. I'll discuss animal and environmental issues in a later post.

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